Bienville Outdoors

Pan Fishing at
Bienville Outdoors

Pan Fishing at Bienville Outdoors

They're mean and they're hungry!

If our bass were as mean as our pan fish, you would have to hide down in the bottom of the boat to bait your hook! We have some slabs out here, come fill the live well, and we bet you'll be back!

During the Summer months, one of the most fun, family oriented guided fishing adventures is Florida Pan Fish Fishing!! This a no holds barred, great fishing experience for both young and old, novice to experience. A chance to learn and refine Pan fish techniques for limits of Blue Gills, Red Eared Sunfish, Crappie, and Warmouth.

Larger Blue Gill, Warmouth, and Red Eared Sunfish are multiple spawners and sometimes spawn year-round in Florida. Anytime time of the year offers fast-paced, fish every cast, kind of fishing! Florida Pan fish also offer incredible table fare. Don’t worry, we will happily clean your limit of fish.

Cooler weather offers the best in Florida Crappie fishing. Big numbers of Crappie, with trophy and eater sized fish, enter the shallows just after cooler weather has arrived, although you can still catch them in abundance in summer months, they seem to become more frequent eaters during cooler weathers.

Spawning Blue Gills and Crappie are a blast on light spinning tackle or fly rods. It’s a great way to hone your skills and blast to do so. We offer both light tackles Spinning Tackle, or feel free to bring your Fly Rod. All-inclusive guided Pan fish fishing trips. Our tried-and-true techniques for Pan Fish are simple to learn, easy to do, kid friendly and offer a great way to get a delicious fish dinner!

Call the Pro Shop today to get in on the fun! Summer specials available June-September!


$ 690 Per Boat 2 Person Max
  • Guide
  • Water
  • AM Fishing begins at safe light from the Main Lodge and ends 4 hours after launch. PM Fishing begins at 1 and ends 4 hours after launch.


$ 790 Per Boat 2 Person Max
  • Guide
  • Water
  • Full day of fishing starts from the main lodge at safe light and ends at 5:30 breaking between 12 and 1 for lunch. Click here to find out about meal options.


$ 100


$ 50

All guided trips are based on 2 guests per boat, so we encourage you to bring a partner. If you would like to fish with only yourself and the guide, the price remains the same. Offsite rates only apply to guest who are not lodging with us.

Kids 8 or under accompanied by an adult are Free.